Paula Naeff

Paula is a powerful transformational Leadership and Performance Coach, Inspirational Keynote Speaker and International Best Selling Author. She has decades of life experience, a disciplined ballet background, she's a mother of two marvellous kids, high performer, pantomime clown, former credit manager, a certified Business Coach and Consultant, certified Pilates instructor, leader and a witness of many client transformations in her coaching career.
She has an extraordinary talent in helping leaders, entrepreneurs and C-level executives simplify and streamline their life and business, and get clear, focused, more joyful and confident.
Now that’s enough of talking about myself in third person.
Let me tell you a story …
Once upon a time I did something great, something that took every bit of courage that I had and then some. I followed my heart and intuition. The biggest decision of my life was to stop living other people’s expectations, or what I assumed were their expectations. I left my marriage, decided to win my long battle with depression and simply be myself - every day and in every situation. I took charge of my life and started to embrace myself just the way I am. Authentically and truly.
That was the moment when the doors and windows were opened to all my talents and skills that I was either born with or acquired along the way to shine center stage and I started to truly live my purpose, which is to help others. Ever since learning about coaching many years ago (the time that was called 'before the kids') I wanted to be a coach, mentor and a motivational speaker. I am grateful to truly serve my purpose and I get goose bumps every time a client has an insight, a breakthrough or shares how their transformation has caused people around them to transform. This happens several times per week and I feel blessed.
As a coach - a guide - I listen and ask questions. The process is amazingly simple. I draw energy and creativity from all big and small adventures that I have been blessed with so far. These adventures include leaving my home in Finland to hop over the Atlantic and attend a university in the United States, choosing to study fine arts next to a business degree, rafting down many wild rivers, climbing mountains and skiing down, learning Chinese and playing in the university soccer team during a semester in Hong Kong, building a credit control team at an outdoor company, completing a solo clowning project while pregnant with my first child, moving to Switzerland with three weeks’ notice, selling ice axes, dancing through the years and performing on various stages in many places, speaking in conferences and making people laugh.
Although many of my life and business adventures have been an immediate source of joy and fulfilment, there have been some where the lessons and meaning have taken some time to crystallize. Nevertheless, I have grown in resilience and learned to transform any experience - any adventure - into a source of energy and wisdom ... eventually even joy. Some of these 'not so obviously positive' adventures include burning out, breaking my leg 3 weeks before giving birth to my first child and the above mentioned deep depression which lasted seven years.
My coaching journey started in 2021 through creating the app called TIM This Is Me. It is a confidence app for pre-professional / young professional dancers and dance athletes. I was guiding individual dancers through the app programs when I realized that what I was doing was called coaching. Boom. I had landed my dream job.
I finally became a certified coach and consultant in August 2022, started my own business as an entrepreneur, serving from my heart and having the privilege of witnessing true transformation at so many levels and for so many groups of humans. Leaders, Athletes, Dancers, Performers, Artists ... simply: Humans.
There are many more adventures that are all combined in who I am, how I serve and show up today. I am grateful for each and every one so far and all the ones that are yet to come.
With Love,
Coach Paula
I am here to serve you:
1:1 Coaching - Higher performance, faster results and growth as a human being and to increase your impact in the world as a leader and business owner. I'll be your guide and sounding board to help you get from where you are now to where you want to be - from who you are now to who you want to become.
Business Coaching & Consulting - Feel stuck with your business? The team is not working as expected and people are burning out? The results are not what you want? Let's have a conversation and make a plan of action to create sustainable transformation within your organization. I'll help you, your team and the organization streamlined and thriving.
Keynote speaker & Presentations - Fun, motivational and inspirational speaking, presentations and workshops to create a positive impact on your employees and team. This is a great way to talk about mental health and well-being without pointing fingers at individuals, who may feel like they are about to burn out.
Dancer / Athlete Mental Strength - holistic and transformative mental strength programs for individual athletes and entire teams and schools; including individual confidence, empowering trainers and teachers, parent training and elevating team culture. This is my Heart Project.
App Contributers
Special thanks and respect to the following experts who have contributed to the content of T.I.M.
This is me - thank you!

Cinthia Labaronne
Ballet Teacher
International Ballet teacher. Professeur de danse freeance. Former professional Ballerina. Teacher at Prix de Lausanne.

Lilly Wang
M.Sc. Psychology & Coach
Life and Business Coach with an international career in non-profit and corporate coaching. Masters of Science in Psychology. Expert in Law of Attraction.

Reetta Rönkkö
MD, Dance Kinesiologist
Dancer, Medical Doctor and Dance Kinesiologist. Speaker and presenter at IADMS and other international dance science conferences.

Fancesca Genovese
Nutritionist, Dancer
Dancer, Choreographer, trained Nutritionist.

Tommaso Pennachio
Physiotherapist for the Ballett Theater Basel. A dynamic, polyvalent, and multicultural ensemble in the International class, one of the leading contemporary dance groups in Europe.
TIM This Is Me is a member of IADMS
International Association for Dance Medicine and Science

Tuomas Hyvönen
Dancer & Physiotherapist
Dancer at Ballet Finland and Physiotherapist at Art Physio in Helsinki, Finland.